March 2, 2021

Blockathon – for public sector challenges finalists

RO Finaliștii Blockathon – for public sector challenges Blockathon – hackathon-ul de identificare a soluțiilor bazate pe blockchain pentru provocările din sectorul public s-a derulat în perioada 13-20 februarie 2021. Timp de o săptămână, echipele formate în timpul primului weekend […]
March 1, 2021

Doing business with the public sector

As part of the Blockathon event, of which you can read more here, we had a fireside chat with Daniel Homorodean (CEO of Arxia, founder of the startup Process Player and vice-president at Cluj IT Cluster), focusing on how to […]
October 26, 2020

Bridging the gap between the Public & Private sector through blockchain technology

Between September 28th and October 5th, Spherik has offered 2 blockchain-related trainings, for the Romanian public and private sectors. The trainings were part of B-hub for Europe – a 2 years project financed through Horizon2020, under the Startup Europe umbrella. […]
October 16, 2020

30 Blockchain Startups joined the B-Hub For Europe Acceleration Program

B-Hub for Europe has announced the startups accepted in the 1st edition of the acceleration program. From a total of 99 applications received, 30 startups from Europe will be a part of the program starting this month. Who has applied […]
September 8, 2020

Blockchain: Applicability & Potential for Transformation in the Romanian Public & Private Sectors

Spherik Accelerator organizes within the B-hub for Europe project a series of trainings for the Romanian private and public sector, between September 28 and October 2 and respectively October 5-9. The trainings are meant to contribute to the awareness of […]
February 20, 2020

The after-hype reality of Blockchain in Romania (event)

In the framework of the B-Hub for Europe project, Spherik is launching an invitation for an open discussion about the reality of blockchain in Romania. The event is set to happen on February 25th, starting at 2:00 PM, at Impact […]
November 21, 2019

B-Hub for Europe – a New Opportunity for European Blockchain-focused Startups

Spherik, alongside four European partners, is announcing B-Hub for Europe. To be launched in January 2020, the initiative will be implemented under the Startup Europe umbrella. It’s objective is to build on the potential and excellence of European blockchain high-growing […]